一、2024年秋江苏开放大学综合英语(基础)综合大作业单选题答案 1、Translate the following expressions into English. 1. 人间天堂 2. 世界八大奇迹 3. 除夕 4. 拜年 5. 春联 6. 辞旧迎新 7. 灯谜 8. 农历新年 9. 燃放烟花爆竹 10. 传统节日 21、”人间天堂“翻译为 A、pay…
一、2024年秋江苏开放大学综合英语(基础)作业3单选题答案 1、翻译:When your friends want to show you something on television,they probably mean for you to engage in the experience rather than focus on your cell…
1、阅读理解 Questions are based on the following passage. There are mainly four great traditional cuisines that are viewed as representatives of Chinese culinary(烹饪的)skills. Shandong It…
一、2024年秋江苏开放大学综合英语基础作业1听力题答案 1、Directions: Now you will hear two news reports. At the end of each report, you will hear some questions. After you hear a question, choose the b…