A、致力于 B、在这种情况下,既然这样 C、有威望的,有声望的
D、生产商 E、坚持 F、以……出名;以……著称
G、总部 H、分公司,分支机构 I、全球销售网络
J、 追溯到 K、 利用 L、 品牌 M、经证实的记录 N、熟悉,了解 O、 日益增加的劳动力成本
1、 headquarters
2、 manufacturer
3、 brand
4、 prestige
5 、traceits roots to
6、adhere to
8、a worldwide sales network
9、be committed to
10、be best known for
11、proven record
12、take advantage of
13、rising costs of labor
14、be well acquainted with
15、under the circumstances
A、Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if there are any other ways in which we can be of service to you.
B、Huawei’s vision is to enrich life through communication.
C、We are most anxious to serve you and hope to hear from you very soon.
D、Our business is growing steadily.
E、They have 58 000 employees worldwide.
F、 All the items listed in the catalog are now available from stock.
G、 You will be interested in the up-to-date shoes we are offering at extremely moderate prices.
H、 In order to popularize these products, all the catalog prices are subject to a special discount of 5% during December.
I、 Our garments are exported to the USA, Europe, Japan, and Korea.
J、 We have established trade relations with 30 countries and regions.
1、 他们在全世界有58 000名员工。
2、 我们的业务在稳步增长。
3、 华为的愿景是通过沟通丰富生活。
4、 我们的服装出口到美国、欧洲、日本和韩国。
5、 我们与30个国家和地区建立了贸易关系。
6、 如在其他方面能为您服务,请勿犹豫,立即与我们联系。
7、 目录上所列的各种货物都有现货供应。
8、 您一定会对我们以低廉价格提供的最新款鞋子感兴趣。
10、 我们渴望能为您服务,盼早日收到您的来信。
A、has donated over US$ 6.8 million to
B、has made remarkable achievements
C、has branches in more than 80 countries
D、one of the largest consumer products companies
E、had an annual revenue of
Founded in 1837, Procter & Gamble is (1) in the world. In 2019, it (2) more than US$ 8.5 billion, and ranked 45st on the Fortune 500 list of the world’s largest corporations. P&G(3) , with more than 300 brands on market in 160 countries. These include beauty care, fabric(纺织品) and home care, household care and family health care products. Three billion times a day, P&G brands touch the lives of people around the world.
P&G (4) has made remarkable achievements in the following areas:
Building Leading Brands: We are in a No. 1 market share position in all categories where we compete. Pantene, Rejoice, Safeguard, Crest, Oral-B, Tide, Lenor are currently leading brands in China’s hair care, personal cleansing(清洗) and powder detergent (清洁剂)category respectively.
Committing to Being A Good Corporate Citizen: P&G (5) donated over US$ 6.8 million to various charities in China, with Project Hope being the largest recipient of P&G corporate charity donations.
(1)收件人:所有销售人员(All salesmen);发件人:王露,秘书
(2)写备忘录时间:December 20, 2021
(3)开会时间: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., December 28, 2021
(4)开会地点: the head office
Notice of year-end sales meeting
Dear all sales personnel
According to the company’s arrangement, we hereby notify that we will hold the year-end sales meeting at the company headquarters on December 28, 2021 (Monday) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
The specific arrangements are as follows:
Meeting time: December 28, 2021 (Monday), 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Meeting location: Company headquarters
Lunch will be provided, and the meeting agenda will be sent to everyone via email on December 24th.
If there are any additional projects that need to be added, please contact Wang Lu before December 26th. If unable to attend the meeting, please call 2458 # # # no later than December 24th.
Wang Lu
December 20, 2021
Notice of year-end sales meeting
Dear salesperson
According to the company’s arrangement, we hereby notify you to attend the upcoming year-end sales meeting of the company. The following is the detailed information of the meeting:
Meeting time: December 28, 2021, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Meeting location: Company headquarters
The meeting agenda will be sent to everyone via email on December 24th. If there are any additional projects that need to be added, please contact Wang Lu before December 26th.
Lunch will be provided during the meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please call 2458 # # # no later than December 24th.
Please make sure to attend the meeting on time and abide by the meeting discipline. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Wang Lu at any time.
Wang Lu
December 20, 2021