江苏开放大学英语国家社会与文化BBS:第一单元 绪论


What is culture? Please illustrate your opinion with proper examples.

学生答案一:Culture is a complex concept that encompasses the beliefs, values, behaviors, and traditions of a group of people. It is the set of shared assumptions, norms, and practices that shape the way individuals think and behave within a society.

One of the key elements of culture is language. Language is not only a means of communication, but also a repository of a culture’s history, traditions, and ways of thinking. For example, the Chinese language contains unique characters that represent ideas and concepts, which reflect the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese people.

Another important aspect of culture is art, which can be seen as a manifestation of a society’s aesthetic values and way of life. Artworks, such as paintings, sculptures, and music, often serve as a window into the soul of a culture, reflecting its values, beliefs, and aspirations. For instance, the traditional Indian art form of Kathakali, a vibrant dance drama, encapsulates the rich cultural heritage of India.

Customs and traditions are also essential components of culture. These are the practices and behaviors that are passed down through generations and form the backbone of social norms and expectations within a society. For example, the festival of Holi in India, known as the “festival of colors,” is a traditional custom where people throw colorful powders at each other, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

Finally, the values and beliefs that underpin a culture are crucial in determining how individuals within that culture interact with each other and view the world. Values such as respect for elders, a strong work ethic, or a belief in karma shape the way people behave and make decisions. For instance, the value of filial piety in many Asian cultures means that children are expected to respect and care for their parents, a value that is deeply ingrained in their way of life.

学生答案二:Culture is a complex concept that encompasses the beliefs, values, traditions, and behaviors that shape the identity of a group of people. It is the shared knowledge and experiences that bind a society together and influence how individuals interact with each other and the world around them.

To illustrate my opinion on culture, let me provide some examples.

Firstly, language is a key component of culture. Different languages reflect the unique perspectives and ways of thinking of different cultures. For instance, some languages have rich expressiveness in their vocabularies and grammars, allowing speakers to convey complex ideas with precision and nuance. Other languages may place greater emphasis on tone or gesture, which can convey important meaning in addition to the words themselves. This variation in language demonstrates the diverse ways in which different cultures encode and communicate knowledge.

Secondly, culture is also reflected in the values and beliefs that are held by a society. For instance, some cultures may place a high value on collectivism, emphasizing the importance of community and the obligations individuals have to their families and society. In contrast, other cultures may emphasize individualism, putting more emphasis on personal freedom and self-expression. These different value systems shape the way people view the world and guide their decisions and actions.

Another aspect of culture is the traditions and customs that are passed down through generations. These practices can include holidays, festivals, celebrations, and other rites of passage that have significance in a culture. For instance, some cultures may have elaborate wedding ceremonies or festivals that mark important life events or transitions. These traditions often serve to strengthen social bonds and promote a sense of belonging among members of that culture.

Lastly, the arts are also a critical expression of culture. Artistic works such as music, literature, and visual arts can反映a culture’s aesthetic standards, stories, values, and beliefs. For instance, some cultures may have rich oral traditions in the form of folklore or epic poetry that传承their history and价值观代代相传. Other cultures may express their identity through the visual arts, such as painting, sculpture, or graphic design. These artistic expressions serve to enrich our understanding of different cultures and contribute to the rich tapestry of human creativity and expression.

In conclusion, culture is multifaceted and encompasses the intangible heritage that shapes the way we view the world and interact with each other. It is expressed through language, values, traditions, and the arts, and it is these elements that contribute to the unique identity of each society. Understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures is crucial in promoting mutual respect and understanding among people from different backgrounds.




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